How to choose the material for your motorcycle license plate?

While it has become quite common to include your department number or the logo of your home region on your license plate, many riders of two or three-wheeled motorcycles are unaware that it is also possible to choose the material of your motorcycle plate. However, it is important not to make a mistake in your choice! Discover our tips for finding the plate that matches your motorcycle, your needs and your personality.

The regulations related to motorcycle license plates

A new certification system was introduced in December 2016 and February 2019 for motorcycle license plates and their installation in order to standardize the dimensions of the plates in a single format. These decrees provide that all 2-wheeled motorized vehicles be registered with 2 letters, then 3 digits, then 2 letters (AB-123-XZ), thus abandoning the old motorcycle registration system including the department number. It should be noted that this change of system to IVS is mandatory and must be applied by all before December 31, 2020. In terms of size, all license plates for 2-wheeled motor vehicles must be 21 x 13 centimeters in size to be homologated. Failure to comply with this condition may result in a fine of 1500 to 3000 € and the acquisition of new plates.

What are the advantages of aluminum plates?

It is THE traditional material available on the market for years. This material is appreciated for its lightness and long life. Easily recyclable, it is adapted to small budgets and respects ecological conditions. The aluminum plate is presented as a model in relief on a black background covered with a reflective material. This cover is required by the Highway Code. The quality of an aluminum motorcycle plate is evaluated according to various criteria, including the characteristics of the cut-outs, the gluing surface and the variety of glue used. The combination of clean cut-outs, weather-adapted glue and precise gluing is an excellent combination for a high-quality motorcycle plate. The only disadvantage of the aluminum model is its relatively low strength compared to Plexiglas models. However, manually drawn plates are increasingly replacing digitally produced plates to ensure greater strength and durability.

Advantages of the plexiglass plate

Despite its generally high price, the Plexiglas license plate has won over drivers of two-wheeled motor vehicles thanks to the solidity of the material used. In fact, the numbers on the plates last thanks to the highly reinforced plastic that covers the registration plate with a strong, resistant layer. This top-of-the-range material has very practical deformation capacities that in no way alter its aesthetic side. The variation in the value of this type of plate depends not only on the printing process used, but also on its resistance to scratches. The more expensive it is, the more it will be able to withstand the frequent and daily small shocks suffered by motorcycles. The Plexiglas motorcycle license plate can be customized as desired to stand out from the crowd or to convey advertising messages. It should be noted that the addition of facetias on the plate is authorized provided that the regulatory dimensions are respected.
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